It's great Pleasure for All of us here at InterNET to announce the Launch of our new Website!
Distribution and Engineering for Test and Measurement & Data Acquisition Systems, Scientific Apparatus and Test Systems, Industrial Informatics, Didactic Equipment and Laboratories, Automated Payment Systems
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Spellman’s rack mount power supplies span output voltages from 500 volts to 360kV while providing power ranging from 10 watts to >100kW kilowatts
The rack mount power supplies are used in a wide variety of applications like: Ion Beam Implantation, Electron Beam Welding, Electrostatic Separators, Electron Beam Evaporation,Ion Milling
Spellman’s modular power supplies span output voltages from 62 volts to 70kV while providing power ranging from 1.5 watts to 1200 watts
They are used in a wide variety of applications like: Cable Testing, Lithotripsy, Capacitor Charging, CO2 lasers, PET Scanners and Electrostatic Discharge Testing