Significant stages are:
- 1993, March 31 – Establishment of company InterNET Ltd.
- 1994 – signing the first distribution contract, partner – Keithley Instruments, Inc., USA.
- 1994 – starting business in Bulgaria.
- 1995 – starting business in Republic of Moldova.
- 1996 – Ofrim Dragos Vasile becomes the sole shareholder of InterNET Ltd.
- 1997 – First implementation of a complex data acquisition system, hardware and software, based on Keithley equipment and on our own software package. Customer: UCM Resita.
- 1998 – First participation as a partner in a national research and development project, RELANSIN program
- August 24, 2000 – foundation of InterTECH PRESS Ltd. with main activity in media.
- 2002 – First implementation of an efficient real-time monitoring and controlling system for hydroelectric plant, implemented using Keithley ADwin equipment. Beneficiary – Hidroelectrica Ramnicu Valcea.
- July 4, 2007 – foundation of MAROM Automatic Payment Systems Ltd. with main activity in automated payment systems.
- August 1, 2007 – InterTECH PRESS Ltd changes into InterTECH Design Ltd, with main activity in architecture and constructions.
- 2008 – First participation as a coordinator in a national research and development program, INOVARE program.
- 2010 – Foundation of Ofrim Engineering EOOD in Sofia, Bulgaria.
- 2011 – Starts the design activity for our new headquarters in Mircea Vulcanescu Street, district 1.
- 2011 – Define business strategy as a regional group with activity in South-East Europe, mainly
- January 20, 2012 – Design and construction of our first original equipment – PDC-07
- August 28, 2012 – Design and construction, using Keithley 2182A and 622X, of our first bench type equipment – System for measuring the resistance of electrical cables, CabResMeter-1M.
- November 14, 2012 – Design and construction, using Keithley 2182A and 622X, of our second bench type equipment – System for measuring the contact resistance between terminals and electrical cables, TermResMeter
- August 2013 – System integration, using Keithley 4200-SCS and 2651A SMU of our automated high power devices characterization system with temperature measurement capability, HiPowerDev.
- October 2013 – Starts the design activity for our new headquarter in Mircea Vulcanescu Street, district 1, Bucharest.